Bainbridge Island Arts & Humanities Coouncil
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Frequently Asked Questions About BIAHC:

  1. What is BIAHC?
  2. What does BIAHC do?
  3. Why should I join BIAHC?
  4. What do I get as a member?
  5. How do I join BIAHC?
  6. Can BIAHC help if I'm looking for a piano teacher or a pottery class?

Download 2003 BIAHC Annual Report here. 751K, not reccommended for dial-up connections -- printed copies can be requested from BIAHC (206) 842-7901

1. What is BIAHC?

Our Mission Statement:
To create an environment on Bainbridge Island in which the arts and humanities flourish.

Since 1986, with support from our members, we have been building a vital community for the Island, its artists and cultural organizations. As a private, non-profit organization, we are funded mainly by membership dues and earned income.

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2. What Does BIAHC Do?

01. Island Arts Planning

We are designated by the City of Bainbridge Island to develop the arts through:

  • Community Cultural Plan development and implementation
  • Arts and Humanities Fund -- allocations to artists and cultural organizations
  • Percent for Public Art Program -- bringing art into the community

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02. Programs

Our annual events and sponsorships:

  • Bainbridge in Bloom Garden Tour
  • Music and Art Scholarship Awards

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03. Publications

We provide cultural news and an avenue for local artists:

  • Arts News -- Cultural newspaper and events calendar
  • Exhibition -- Journal of visual and literary arts featuring local artists

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04. Services

Our community services include:

  • Cultural Resources Artist Database
  • Cultural Events Calendar
  • Monthly forum for cultural leaders
  • Information, collaboration and support for emerging artists
  • Professional skills workshops

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Breaking News

The topic of 2004's Humanities Inquiry program was Breaking News: The State of Today's Information Media.
Read about it >>

3. Why should I join BIAHC?

Bainbridge Island's unique quality of life and sense of place are important to us all. We are here to serve your needs--but we need your help--we need you in the picture to make it all happen.

Our vital role of advocate, working to nurture and promote the arts and humanities, cannot be accomplished without your membership support.

Your membership entitles you to receive members-only privileges and gives our the opportunity to play a part in this unique, culturally rich community.

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4. What do I get as a member of BIAHC?

As a member of Bainbridge Island Arts and Humanities Council, your membership benefits include:

  • A yearly subscription to Exhibition magazine
  • Invitations to special events for patrons
  • Discounts on program tickets
  • Public recognition and volunteer opportunities
  • Knowledge that you are helping to keep the arts and humanities alive

BIAHC is a 501(c)3 organization. Donations over $25 are tax-deductible.

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5. How do I join BIAHC?

It's easy! Just go to BIAHC's secure online credit card processing center HERE>>

Or, contact us directly at (206) 842-7901.

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6. Can BIAHC help if I'm looking for a
  piano teacher or a pottery class?

BIAHC's online database now offers information about artists in this area. Check out the BIAHC artist database >>

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